Deanery Offices
Registration Unit
Registration is the systematic process that reserves seats in particular classes for eligible students. It is accomplished by following the procedures announced in advance of each term’s registration period.
Enrollment is the completion of the registration process and affords the full rights and privileges of student status. It is accomplished by the payment or other satisfaction of tuition and fees and by the satisfaction of other obligations to the University.
Registration alone does not guarantee enrollment, nor does registration alone guarantee the right to participate in a class. In some cases, students need to obtain the approval of the instructor or of a representative of the department offering the course. In other cases, students may be required to attend the first few class sessions prior to official registration or to confirm official registration. Please check the course information in the Departments, Programs, and Courses section of this Bulletin and the registration instructions contained in the Directory of Classes for all of the approvals required.
According to University regulations, each person who completes registration is considered a student of the University during the term for which they register, unless the student’s connection with the University is officially severed by withdrawal or otherwise. No student registered or enrolled in any school/college of the University shall at the same time be registered or enrolled in any other school/college, either of the University or of any other institution, without specific authorization from the dean/director of the school/college in which he or she is first registered.
The privileges of the University are not available to any student until they have completed registration. Typically, a student who is not officially registered for a University course may not attend the course; however, some courses may require students to attend the first few class sessions prior to official registration. Students are expected to register for courses during the time periods explicitly identified by the Office of the Registrar, and may be required to obtain written consent of a faculty member or of the Committee on Academic Standing to register at any time during an academic term.
Students are held accountable for absences incurred owing to late enrollment. The University reserves the right to withhold the privilege of registration or any other University privilege from any person with an unpaid debt to the University.
Registration for classes is by appointment online via Moodle or Result pages Some classes may be blocked for online registration and require written approval; students should check the Directory of Classes for approval information. Courses blocked from online registration require a completed Registration Adjustment form, with all necessary approvals confirmed. A student cannot use the Registration Adjustment form to register for a course if the course is not blocked from online registration or if the student is eligible to join the course waitlist.
Dropping Courses
Students may drop a course online during their assigned registration appointments up until the drop deadline. With the exception of certain Core Curriculum courses, the final dates for dropping courses are November 2019.
College students are not permitted to remove a course from their academic record after the drop a course ..
Contact Head of Registration Unit:
Ms. Eman (+9647504548726)
Finance Unit
Finance Unit @ College of Engineering
Undergraduate Study
Local Students admitt through central admission:
Free, No tution fee applied
Parallel Students (local and International):
2,500,000 ID per academic Year (approx. 2000 US$)
Evening Students (local and International): 2,500,000 ID per academic year(approx. 2000 US$)
IT Unit
Contact IT Center
IT employees
Eng. Hazha khatab
Mr. Omer Fakhraddin
Mrs.Berivan Adil
Mrs.Srwa Shukur
Quality Assurance (QA)
One of the most important strategic plans of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MHE) is the implementation of Teaching Quality Assurance (TQA) in the universities and Institutes of the Kurdistan region. This process is new to our understanding of higher education in the Kurdistan region.
Our universities consist of a community of students, scholars and staff who hopefully will all be committed to bringing out the best in our university learning communities. Our Quality Assurance agenda is driven by people who are knowledgeable and active in teaching, research and administration.
The TQA programme is concerned with accurate reporting, monitoring the quality of our teaching and learning processes, auditing of our record-keeping processes, and academically sound decision-making. The TQA program may concern the actual content of the curriculum of our teaching or the actual teaching methods by which the curriculum is taught. The program is intended to ensure that our teaching has an appropriate framework within which all policy, administrative and technical as well as practical issues are brought to the highest standards.
Our mission is to ensure that everyone attains full confidence in the university’s academic standards and the quality assurance system that guarantees them. Our aim is to provide an environment that is optimal for teaching, learning and research. Such an environment will motivate students to study, innovation and originality in thought processes and result in outcomes comparable to international standards. The procedures and processes involved in TQA are compatible with the quality assurance policies of the colleges of a number of British and American universities. Our policies will support students with disabilities as well.
Committees and sub-committees within our universities have been formed to carry out the day-to-day work and are responsible for implementing the structure and coherence of TQA and its delivery.
The leaders of each committee will submit a brief report in September on how the courses were run during the previous year. These reports will be drafted and submitted to a higher committee, and then it is the responsibility of university’s director of TQA to extract any relevant information from these reports and bring them to the attention of the higher committee as appropriate.
Students can provide feedback on their courses and subjects using the evaluative form. Responses will be anonymous and stored by the coordinators. These forms will be seen by the course lecturers and the external assessor as required.
At the start of a course, students are provided with information covering the following points:
An overview of the aims and objectives of the course;
A condensed syllabus containing learning outcomes;
Expected workload, including lectures and practical information;
Timetable in as much detail as possible, including first week arrangements, lectures and practical deadlines;
Details of the Quality Assurance mechanisms as seen by the students (e.g. staff committees, questionnaires).
The role of Dean and Head of Department is vital during the implementation of TQA. They will consider external examiners’ reports, monitor student progression, approve the appointment of external examiners, oversee the development and management of quality assurance procedures, and overview external examiners’ annual reports.
Contact head of QA:
Dr.Pola Abdulhamid Fattah
Media Unit
Head of Media Office :
Phone number(viber) :+9647504631994