Electrical Engineering Department


Assistant Prof. Dr. Jalil Aziz Hamadam



 Head of Electrical Engineering Deparment

[email protected]


Welcome to the Department of Electrical Engineering Website. I encourage our students to browse these pages, where they find detail information about our undergraduate and graduate educational programs, our faculty members, their research programs, and the broad range of activities underway in the Department.

Electrical Engineering is a vibrant department that has changed the world in which we live and work. At the beginning of this new century, the discipline is poised to continue making important contributions to key issues facing society in areas such as electricity, computing, controlling, networking, communication, digital system design, power systems, renewable energy systems, information technology, etc.

We strive to be at the forefront of research, to educate our students in core fundamentals, and to engage students with emerging technologies and their applications. Our intending is to keep close interaction between faculty and students at all levels. The education and research missions in out department are enhanced by excellent collaborations with the deanery and all other departments in the College of Engineering.

I hope that you will explore our programs and research interests of the faculty. We are always interested in new opportunities for collaboration, and new ideas for our talent students.


Our vision in the electrical engineering department is to develop effective and capable electrical engineers that can serve the future needs and challenges of our society. We also focus on becoming a preferred partner in the area of collaborative research among national and international organizations.



Our mission in the electrical engineering department is to deliver knowledge among students through a contemporary curriculum and modern pedagogical methods in disciplines related to electrical engineering. We help students develop skills in solving complex engineering problems of modern times and to provide a framework for promoting collaborative and multidisciplinary activities.

1. Library

The Library of the Department of Electrical Engineering facilitates the students, faculties, and researchers, to access a collection of thousands of books in the following fields: electronics, telecommunications, radio technology, computer science, automation, robotics, electrical metrology, optical electronics, mathematics, physical electronics, electrical engineering, high voltage technology, electrical materials science, electrical machines and drives, electrical networks, power plants, and etc. The book collection of the Library is divided into sections corresponding to specific fields of knowledge. The library also provides a specific space for students to read, study, and work on their projects.

2. Laboratories

Students in Electrical Engineering Department have the opportunity to have hands-on experiences in the subjects they are taught through a sophisticated number of laboratories as mentioned below.


Basic Electricity Lab           Communication Lab                 Computer Lab I


Electronics Lab                           Machine Lab                     Electronics Lab


Machine Lab                      Microprocessor Lab        Power Electronics Lab

2024-2025 Academic Year (Fall semester) Department Plan for Bologna Modules Details
Department: Electrical Engineering
Building Code: EED
A-Fall Semester Modules (for 2024-2025 Year Enterance students – equivalent to first year):
# Module Code Module Name Credits Prerequisite Module Name Lecturer(s)
(Starting with the Main Teacher)
Total no. of Admitable Students No. of Groups  for theoretical part only            (if available) Total no. of Students in Each Group for theoretical part only hours/ group Prefered Hall No. with Building Code)
1 2105 Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits I 7 Mr. Khasraw
Asst. Prof. Dr. Jalil
Asst. Prof. Dr. Dyari Raouf
90 2 45 6 E210 + E218
2 0107 Math I 5 Ms. Nihaya Abdulghafur 90 2 45 4 E210 + E218
3 0101 General English I 5 Mrs. Avan Taha Saleh 90 2 45 4 E210 + E218
4 0103 Information Technology 5 Mrs. Nian Khdir Azeez 90 2 45 4 E210 + E218
5 2101 Algorithm and Problem Solving 3 Ms. Ibtehal Hussein 90 2 45 2 E210 + E218
6 0104 Academic Debate 5 Mrs. Roshna Abdulqadr
Mrs. Nian Khdir
90 2 45 4 E210 + E218
7 Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits II (Reopened) 7 Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits I Mrs. Roshna Abdulqadr
Mrs. Nian Khdir
90 2 45 6 E210
B-Fall Semester Modules (for 2023-2024 Year Enterance students – equivalent to second year):
# Module Code Module Name Credits Prerequisite Module Name Lecturer(s)
(Starting with the Main Teacher)
Total no. of Admitable Students No. of Groups  for theoretical part only            (if available) Total no. of Students in Each Group for theoretical part only hours/ group Prefered Hall No. with Building Code)
1 0109 Math III 5 Math II Mrs. Arazoo Mustafa 70 2 25 + 37 4 E226 + E229
2 2113 Network Analysis I 6 Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits II Mr. Niyaz Othman 70 2 31 + 25 4 E226 + E229
3 2122 Principles of Electrical Machines 7 Mr. Ari Akram
Mr. Nuraddin Taha
70 2 26 + 36 5 E226 + E229
4 2123 Analogue Electronic Circuits 6 Mrs. Amira Ramzi
Mrs. Fatima
Mr. Azad Nasraddin
Mr. Niyaz Othman
70 2 26 + 35 6 E226 + E229
5 2102 Engineering Mechanics-Statics 3 Mr. Muhammad Parwez 70 3 15 + 26 + 36 2 E226 + E229
6 2116 Electromagnetics 3 Dr. Jamal Abdulla 70 2 29 + 38 2 E226 + E229
7 Math IV (Reopened) 5 Math III Mrs. Sara Tahir 25 2 30 + 38 4 E226 + E229
8 Network Analysis II (Reopened) 6 Network Analysis I Mr. Azad Nasraddin 25 2 31 + 38 4 E226 + E229
C-Fall Semester Modules (for 2022-2023 Year Enterance students – equivalent to third year):
# Module Code Module Name Credits Prerequisite Module Name Lecturer(s)
(Starting with the Main Teacher)
Total no. of Admitable Students No. of Groups  for theoretical part only            (if available) Total no. of Students in Each Group for theoretical part only hours/ group Prefered Hall No. with Building Code)
1 0111 Engineering Analysis 5 Mr. Basheer Abdulrahman 70 2 43 + 24 4 E133+E129
2 2126 Numerical Analysis 5 Mr. Dlawar Raouf
Mrs. Roshna
65 2 38 + 23 3 E229+E129
3 2138 Computer Networks 4 Dr. Sangar Nasraddin 40 1 40 3 E229
4 2139 Digital System Design 6 Mr. Nuraddin
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abdulbaqi
Mrs. Maha George
Dr. Ahmad Mamoon
Mrs. Sara Tahir
Mrs. Rina Dinha
45 1 44 5 E133
5 2140 ComputerArchitecture 6 Prof. Dr. Diary Rauf
Mrs. Fatima
Mr. Muhammad Parwez
35 1 35 5 E126
6 21100 Object Oriented Programming 4 Mrs. Rina Dinha 35 1 32 4 E126
7 21201 Wave Propagation 4 Dr. Jalil Azeez 30 1 8 3 E133
8 21202 Communication Engineering 6 Dr. Jalal Jamal
Dr. Thuraya Mahmood
Mr. Velar Hikmat
30 1 10 5 E133
9 21300 AC Machines I 6 Dr. Hilmi Fadhil
Mrs. Banaz Safin
30 1 22 5 E133+E229+E126
10 21301 Power Electronics 5 Dr. Ali Abdulqadir
Mr. Basheer Abdulrahman
Mr. Velar Hikmat
30 1 22 5 E126
11 21302 Power Generation 5 Mrs. Banaz safin
Dr. Fadhil Tawfiq
Dr. Sarkar Jawhar
Mrs. Suzan Fouad
30 1 22 4 E126
12 21303 Distributed Generation 4 Dr. Sarkar Jawhar 30 1 22 3 E126
D-Fall Semester Modules (for 2021-2022 Year Enterance students – equivalent to fourth year):
# Module Code Module Name Credits Prerequisite Module Name Lecturer(s)
(Starting with the Main Teacher)
Total no. of Admitable Students No. of Groups  for theoretical part only            (if available) Total no. of Students in Each Group for theoretical part only hours/ group Prefered Hall No. with Building Code)
1 2128 Control Engineering Dr. Fadhil Tawfiq 55 2 36 + 15 3 E202 + E107
2 21107 Industrial Automation Dr. Ahmad Muhammad Salih 25 1 21 5 E202
3 21108 Embedded Systems Dr. Qahhar Muhammad
Dr. Ahmad Muhammad
25 1 16 3 E202
4 21102 Instrumentation and Measurement Mrs. Suzan Fouad 25 1 18 3 E202
5 21109 Robotics Dr. Ahmad Khalid
Mr. Muhammad Parwez
25 1 19 5 E202
6 21205 Wireless Communication Dr. Samah Abdulkarim
Mrs. Zahra Azad
25 1 11 5 E203
7 21205 Digital Signal Processing Mrs. Maha George
Mrs. Zahra Azad
25 1 12 5 E203
8 21208 Microelectronics Mrs. Lina Namiq 25 1 15 4 E203
9 21206 Microwave Engineering Mr. Velar Nima 25 1 12 3 E203
10 21209 Power System Analysis Dr. Ismael Karim 25 1 15 3 E107
11 21309 Special Electrical Machines Mr. Wafeeq Hanna
Mrs. Banaz Safin
25 1 13 5 E107
12 21310 Electrical Installation and Design Mr. Haydar Ahmad
Mrs. Nihaya Abdulghafour
25 1 14 4 E107
13 21311 Power System Protection Mrs. Ashmahan Yassin
Dr. Ismael Karim
25 1 13 5 E107
14 21312 Project Management Dr. Jamal Abdulla 55 2 33 + 17 2 E107
15 21111 Web Engineering Mr. Goran Wnis 25 1 25 2 E107