Geomatics (Surveying) Engineering Department


Dr.Danar Hassan Ghalib Talabani

Head of Geomatics Department

[email protected]


Geomatics is a field that incorporates several others such as the older field of land surveying engineering along with many other aspects of spatial data management ranging from data science and cartography to geography. Following the advanced developments in digital data processing, the nature of the tasks required of the professional land surveyor has evolved significantly in recent years. As our societies become more complex, information with a spatial position associated with it becomes more critical to decision-making, both from a personal and a business perspective, and also from a community and a large-scale governmental viewpoint.

Geomatics engineers utilize a wide range of technologically advanced tools such as digital theodolite/distance meter total stations, Global Positioning System (GPS) equipment, digital aerial imagery (both satellite and air-borne), and computer-based geographic information systems (GIS). These tools enable the geomatics engineer to gather, process, analyze, visualize and manage spatially related information to solve a wide range of technical and societal problems.

The aim of geomatics engineering is; the development and use of various spatial techniques based on modern technology to better understand, plan, organize, monitor and manage the earth we live in, the production of various maps and spatial data / information for the needs of the country (planning, property, defense etc.) and determining precise position (horizontal and vertical) of any kind of space or land related to the earth.

[email protected]



In 2009, the Department developed a mission statement to present our aims through maintain world class undergraduate and graduate training of highly skilled engineers in order to be cable to fulfil the of regional, national and international requirements. It is also grantee that the graduated student from our department is well educated and are able to operate effectively and professionally within the public and private constructions sector and full fill its needs. Also, to keep and continue research area within standard disciplines, and cooperate with international level for teaching and research that our resources permit


provide high quality Technological Education and Training, Research, Professional Services and Innovation in the field of mapping, planning and analyzing geospatial data.


The Geomatics Engineering Department provides a different and effective learning experience through various labs including:

1.The Geomatics Lab:

It’s the main lab of the department that provides different engineering surveying instruments including automatic and digital levels, theodolites, total stations, GNSS systems and receivers, laser scanners,…etc. These instruments are available for students and lecturers for the purpose of land surveying and scientific research.




2. The GIS Lab:


This lab is used for students to get a hands-on experience for the newest technology regarding Geographic Information System (GIS) through using ArcGIS software packages. Students and researchers use the available packages for survey analysis, planning, digitizing, and mapping.

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3.The Remote Sensing Lab:


This lab is used for the purpose of visualizing and analyzing geographic and environmental data collected by satellites and specialized remote sensors. Students and researchers use the available software packages in the lab to analyze and utilize the data received from remote sensors.



4.Photogrammetry Lab


Is a modern lab that provides innovative technology to students in order to interact and conceptualize the science of photogrammetry. Through various software packages including (Summit Evolution, ERDAS Imagine, Reality Capture,…etc), students get the chance to visualize and analyze arial and satellite images, create 3D models, extract geographic data, and create maps.



5.The Computer Lab:


The computer lab of the department helps students improve their computer skills through learning the Office Package programs as well as drawing and mapping programs such as AutoCAD and Autoland Civil 3D.

2024-2025 Academic Year (Fall semester) Department Plan for Bologna Modules Details
Department: Geomatics Engineering
Building Code: K
A-Fall Semester Modules for(2024-2025) Year Enterance students – equivalent to first year:
# Module Code Module Name Credits Prerequest Module Name Lecturer(s)
(Starting with the Main Teacher)
Total no. of Admitable Students No. of Groups  for theoretical part only            (if available) Total no. of Students in Each Group for theoretical part only hours/ group Prefered Hall No. with Building Code)
1 101 General English I 5 M. Sanaa Youssif 40 1 4 H1-K205
2 103 Information Technology 5 Dr. Ashty Othman 40 1 4 H1-K205
3 104 Academic Debate 5 Dr. Ashty Othman 40 1 4 H1-K205
4 105 Kurdology 4 M. Paiman Omer 40 1 4 H1-K205
5 107 Engineering Mathematics- I(Math-I) 5 M. Hassan Mohammed 40 1 4 H1-K205
6 7106 Fundamental of Surveying Engineering 6 M. Baxtiyar Ahmed 40 1 6 H1-K205
B-Fall Semester Modules for (2023-2024) Year Enterance students – equivalent to second year:
# Module Code Module Name Credits Prerequest Module Name Lecturer(s)
(Starting with the Main Teacher)
Total no. of Admitable Students No. of Groups  for theoretical part only            (if available) Total no. of Students in Each Group for theoretical part only hours/ group Prefered Hall No. with Building Code)
1 7114 Eng. Surveying 6 Plane surveying M. Rojgar Qarani 40 1 6 H2-K206
2 7115 Theory of errors 5 M.Rozh Ismahil 40 1 4 H2-K206
3 7116 Map projections 5 Dr. Haval Abduljabar 40 1 3 H2-K206
4 109 Engineering Mathematics-III(Math-III) 5 Math-II Dr. Danar Ghalib 40 1 4 H2-K206
5 7118 CAD 5 Dr. Danar Ghalib 40 1 3 H2-K206
6 7119 Physics for Engineering 5 M. Hoshang Jahfar 40 1 2 H2-K206
7 7120 Land Law 5 M. Azad Arshad 40 1 2 H2-K206
C-Fall Semester Modules for (2022-2023) Year Enterance students – equivalent to third year:
# Module Code Module Name Credits Prerequest Module Name Lecturer(s)
(Starting with the Main Teacher)
Total no. of Admitable Students No. of Groups  for theoretical part only            (if available) Total no. of Students in Each Group for theoretical part only hours/ group Prefered Hall No. with Building Code)
1 7128 Construction Surveying & CAD 5 M. Azad Arshad 40 1 5 H3-K201
2 7129 Photogrammetry 5 M.Rozh Ismahil 40 1 5 H3-K201
3 7130 Global Geodesy 5 M. Ahmed Faiz 40 1 3 H3-K201
4 7131 Adjustment Theory 5 Dr. Mohammed Anwer 40 1 4 H3-K201
5 7132 Engineering Analysis 5 Math-IV Dr. Kameran Kake 40 1 4 H3-K201
6 7127 Highway Engineering 5 M. Hadeel Jamal 40 1 4 H3-K201
D-Fall Semester Modules for (2021-2022) Year Enterance students – equivalent to fourth year:
# Module Code Module Name Credits Prerequest Module Name Lecturer(s)
(Starting with the Main Teacher)
Total no. of Admitable Students No. of Groups  for theoretical part only            (if available) Total no. of Students in Each Group for theoretical part only hours/ group Prefered Hall No. with Building Code)
1 7137 GNSS 5 M. Ahmed Faiz 40 1 5 H4-K202
2 7138 Engineering Management 5 Dr. Kameran Kakel+ Dr.Danar Ghalib 40 1 4 H4-K202
3 7142 Remote Sensing 5 Dr. Dleen Mohammed 40 1 5 H4-K202
4 7142  Digital Image processing 5 M.Rozh Ismahil 40 1 5 H4-K202
5 7143 Hydrographic Survey 5 Dr. Mohammed Anwer 40 1 4 H4-K202
6 7144 Applications of GIS 5 M. Hadeel Jamal 40 1 5 H4-K202
7 7145 Urban planning 5 Dr. Danar Ghalib 40 1 2 H4-K202
8 7138 Engineering Project 12 40 1
9 7142 Internship 18 40 1