Water Resources Engineering Department

Abdulwahd Ali Kassem

College of Engineering :: Department of Water Resources Engineering

General Specialization: Water Resources Engineering

Specific Specialization: Engineering Hydrology




Abdulwahd Ali Kassem received my BSc and MSc degree in Water Resources Engineering from Mosul University in 1997, 1999, respectively. Ph.D. in Engineering Hydrology from Salahaddin University-Erbil in 2020.

I am a lecturer in the Department of Water Resources Engineering-College of Engineering at Salahaddin University-Erbil since 2010.

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The department program combines hydraulics, fluid mechanics, hydrology, and water resources, with elements from environmental engineering, meteorology, remote sensing and systems analysis, and related disciplines such as mathematics, statistics, computer science engineering, and geology.


Water Resources Engineering program aspires to be a center of excellence in the field of Water Resources in Kurdistan and competitive in the world. The graduate program in Water Resources Engineering at Salahaddin University prepares students for careers in hydraulics, hydrology, and water resources, by providing a strong theoretical and applied foundation, and a broad-based academic background, necessary for positions in engineering design, research, and academia.


Students in Water Resources Department have the opportunity to have hands-on experiences practically in the subjects they are taught through a sophisticated number of laboratories as mentioned below.

⇨ Sanitary and Environment lab

Sanitary Laboratory is one of the most important laboratories in Water Resources Department, College of Engineering, Salahaddin University-Erbil. This Laboratory is used by the third-year students in “Water Supply and Sewerage” Subject. This Laboratory has a very important rule for the Water Resource Engineers. Most of water or wastewater characteristics or physical and chemical properties can be tested. In addition, postgraduate students, academic staff, and researchers from outside carry out their work in this Laboratory. Furthermore, the Sanitary and Environmental Laboratory participates with the Engineering Consulting Bureau works.


⇨Hydraulic and Fluid Lab 

The lab is run together with the Fluid Mechanics theory course. This introductory class covers the dynamics of fluid movement, the forces they generate, and methods for analysis. The experiments aim are programed to achieve various objectives, including determining the forces produced during fluid flow over a solid object, applying the control volume approach, illustrating momentum and energy equations, measuring viscosity, and establishing engineering correlations. complex flow phenomena such as separations and transition to turbulence are demonstrated. Students have access to experimental setups such as flow through a tube, flow over a flat plate, wind tunnel, smoke tunnel, and viscometer. The laboratory exercises involve the use of U-tube manometers, digital manometers, a hot-wire anemometer system, and data acquisition. The lab is closely aligned with the lectures to ensure that the experiments complement the content covered in the classroom.

In general, students and researchers in this department also use civil laboratories because of the similarities of their laboratory’s experiments.

⇨Soil Lab

The laboratory operates in conjunction with the soil mechanics theory course and this lab used by second and third semester for undergraduate students. Also used by post graduates and researchers.

⇨Concrete Lab

Concrete Technology Laboratory is one of the laboratories in the Water Resources Engineering Department. The lab is used by under graduate students for construction material tests. In addition, the laboratory is utilized by postgraduate students, faculty members, and external researchers

⇨Surveying Lab

Surveying laboratories is a part of the Department laboratories.

This lab helps the students to handle practical problems on surveying and levelling in field, which is an important process that must be carried out before starting and during the construction of any major engineering project

⇨Computer and Programming Lab 









2024-2025 Academic Year (Fall semester) Department Plan for Bologna Modules Details
Department: water resources
Building Code:
A-Fall Semester Modules (for 2024-2025 Year Enterance students – equivalent to first year):
# Module Code Module Name Credits Prerequest Module Name Lecturer(s)
(Starting with the Main Teacher)
Total no. of Admitable Students No. of Groups  for theoretical part only            (if available) Total no. of Students in Each Group for theoretical part only hours/ group Prefered Hall No. with Building Code)
1 101 General English I. 5 M.Sameera
2 103 Information Technology. 5 M.Binahi, M.Taban
3 104 Academic Debate. 5 Dr. Alan , M.Rashad
4 105 Kurdology. 4 M.Paiman
5 107 Engineering Mathematic I 5 M.Shawnm , M.Zhian
6 6113 Engineering Geology. 5 M.Enas
B-Fall Semester Modules (for 2023-2024 Year Enterance students – equivalent to second year):
# Module Code Module Name Credits Prerequest Module Name Lecturer(s)
(Starting with the Main Teacher)
Total no. of Admitable Students No. of Groups  for theoretical part only            (if available) Total no. of Students in Each Group for theoretical part only hours/ group Prefered Hall No. with Building Code)
1 109 Engineering Mathematic III 5 108 M.Sarkawt , M.Yasin 10 1 10 4
2 6114 Computer Programming 5 M.Shuwan , M.Pshtiwan 9 1 9 3
3 6116 Fluid Mechanics + Lab 5 Dr. Bruska, M.Bahar 9 1 9 2
4 6112 Mechanics of Material 5 Dr.Ghassan , M.Bahar 10 1 10 2
5 6118 Environmental Engineering 5 M.Enas 10 1 10 3
6 6126 Irrigation Engineering 5 M.Khalil , M.Arkan 9 1 9 4
C-Fall Semester Modules (for 2022-2023 Year Enterance students – equivalent to third year):
# Module Code Module Name Credits Prerequest Module Name Lecturer(s)
(Starting with the Main Teacher)
Total no. of Admitable Students No. of Groups  for theoretical part only            (if available) Total no. of Students in Each Group for theoretical part only hours/ group Prefered Hall No. with Building Code)
1 6130 Water Resources Mnagement 5 Dr.Jehan , M.Binahi 3 1 3 3
2 6124 Design of Concrete Structures 5 Dr.Ghassan 2 1 2 3
3 6122 Engineering Hydrology 5 Dr.Abdulwahid , M.Bahar 8 1 8 4
4 111 Engineering Analysis 5 110 Dr.Abdulla , M.Rashad 8 1 8 3
D-Fall Semester Modules (for 2021-2022 Year Enterance students – equivalent to fourth year):
# Module Code Module Name Credits Prerequest Module Name Lecturer(s)
(Starting with the Main Teacher)
Total no. of Admitable Students No. of Groups  for theoretical part only            (if available) Total no. of Students in Each Group for theoretical part only hours/ group Prefered Hall No. with Building Code) Notes
1 6145 Reservoir Planning, Design and  Operation 5 M.Sarkawt , M.Shawnm 27 2 13 and 14 3 one group in system and two groups in timetable
2 6152 Earth Retaining Structures 5 Dr. Beston 12 1 12 3
3 6163 Dam Safety Structures 6 M.Taban 1 1 1 3
4 6147 Engineering Hydrology II 5 Dr.Abdulwahid , M.Bahar 29 2 15 and 14 3 one group in system and two groups in timetable
5 6167 Design of Spillway and Stilling Basin 5 M.Taban , M.Pishtiwan 24 1 24 3
6 6154 Concrete Technology 5 Dr.Alan , M.Rashad 26 1 26 3
7 6155 Concrete Design of Hydraulic Structures 5 Dr.Ghassan + M.Arkan 32 2 16 3 one group in system and two groups in timetable
8 6142 Design of Earth Dam 5 M.Yasin , M.Tara 17 1 17 3
9 6156 Hydrological Modeling Using GIS 5 M.Pshtiwan , M.Zhian 23 1 23 3
10 6134 Intrenship 18 6
11 6133 Engineering projects 12 9