Aviation Engineering Department
Head Of Department
Head of Aviation Engineering Department
Welcome to the Department of Aviation Engineering Website. I encourage our students to browse these pages, where they find detailed information about our undergraduate and graduate educational programs, our faculty members, their research programs, and the broad range of activities underway in the Department.
Aviation Engineering is a new department in Kurdistan/Iraq that will change the world in which we live and work for a better future, hopefully in the near future we can make startup programs for students to make their own projects with the contribution of other students abroad as a shared project.
We strive to be at the forefront of research, to educate our students in core fundamentals, and to engage students with emerging technologies and their applications. Our intention is to keep close interaction between faculty and students at all levels. The education and research missions in our department are enhanced by excellent collaborations with the deanery and all other departments in the College of Engineering.
I hope that you will explore our programs and the research interests of the faculty. We are always interested in new opportunities for collaboration, and new ideas for our talented students.
Vision and Mission
The mission of the Department of Aviation Engineering is to provide quality education to prepare nationally and internationally competitive undergraduate students for a successful career in Aviation engineering; to provide advanced skills and knowledge in Aerodynamic, Engine, and Fuel in sub-areas of Aviation engineering for graduate students; and to provide service to the university, engineering profession, and the public. The objectives are: 1-To ensure that graduates will have a mastery of fundamental knowledge, problem-solving skills, engineering experimental abilities, and capabilities necessary for entering an Aviation engineering career and/or graduate school. 2-To produce graduates that have the knowledge and skills necessary for identifying and assessing design alternatives and the related social, economic, environmental, and public safety impacts. 3-To produce graduates who have verbal and written communication skills necessary for successful professional practice. 4-To prepare graduates to function effectively on teams. 5-To prepare graduates for professional licensure, leadership roles, and life-long learning.
The Department of Aviation Engineering will try to develop internationally prominent educational and research programs in cooperation with our students, to ensure sustainable prosperity and quality of life. The department will also excel in undergraduate and graduate instruction, research in all sub-areas of Aviation engineering in the near future, and service to the public consistently. The Department will make significant contributions to the social development of the region and nation, through our leadership in engineering education.
Department Facilities
Department Facilities:
1.Aerodynamics laboratories:
Item 1: Subsonic Wind Tunnel Vertical Aerodynamic Trainer
This experiment demonstrates the use of a Pitot-static tube, and investigates the application of
Bernoulli’s theorem to flow along a convergent-divergent passage. (made in India).
The HM 225 Aerodynamics Trainer can be used to carry out extensive experiments on the subject of aerodynamics.
Together with corresponding accessories: Experiments from the field of flow around bodies –
Velocity measurement of flows with Pitot tube – Boundary layer analysis on a flat plate with incident flow – Flow resistances of bodies –
Demonstration of the Coanda effect – Visualisation of streamlines. (made in German).
Item 3: Subsonic Wind Tunnel Horizontal Aerodynamic Trainer
The Apparatus is a small wind tunnel designed for bench top operation, with
a square, transparent working section and a variable-speed fan for wind speed control.
Wind tunnels are a useful tool for studying air flow around bodies.
This apparatus uses for undergraduate tests.
This apparatus is used to study of fluid flow & aerodynamics in a wind tunnel.
he aim is the practical investigation of longitudinal stability and control of the aircraft to
demonstrate behavior during take-off level flight and landing.
2. Aircraft Engines laboratories:
The turbojet is an air breathing jet engine, typically used in aircraft.
The ET 796 trainer is used to demonstrate and
study the function and behavior of a gas turbine in the model scale.
3. Fluid laboratories
This apparatus is used to measure the discharge through Nozzle meter and
to determine the Coefficient of discharge for Nozzle meter.
This apparatus is used to demonstrate the thermodynamics and
fluid mechanics of the adiabatic expansion of air through subsonic
and supersonic nozzles.
Academic program
2024-2025 Academic Year (Fall semester) Department Plan for Bologna Modules Details | ||||||||
Aviation engineering | ||||||||
Module Name | Credits | Prerequest Module Name | Lecturer(s) (Starting with the Main Teacher) |
Total no. of Admitable Students | No. of Groups for theoretical part only (if available) | Total no. of Students in Each Group for theoretical part only | hours/ group | Prefered Hall No. with Building Code) |
General English I | 2 | Dr.Samira | 20 | 4 | G115 | |||
Information Technology | 3 | M.Maiky | 20 | 5 | G116 | |||
Mathematics I | 6 | M.Mustafa | 20 | 3 | G117 | |||
Academic Debate | 2 | M.zainb | 20 | 4 | G118 | |||
Kurdology | 3 | dr.Sumaehha | 20 | 4 | G119 | |||
Engineering Drawing | 3 | M.zainb | 20 | 4 | G120 | |||
Workshop Techlonogy | 3 | M.Mustafa | 20 | 4 | G121 | |||
Engineering Mechanics | 5 | prof.dr.Iyd | 20 | 5 | G122 | |||
History of World Aviation | 3 | dr.Ali | 20 | 3 | G123 | |||
Module Name | Credits | Prerequest Module Name | Lecturer(s) (Starting with the Main Teacher) |
Total no. of Admitable Students | No. of Groups for theoretical part only (if available) | Total no. of Students in Each Group for theoretical part only | hours/ group | Prefered Hall No. with Building Code) |
Module Name | Credits | Prerequest Module Name | Lecturer(s) (Starting with the Main Teacher) |
Total no. of Admitable Students | No. of Groups for theoretical part only (if available) | Total no. of Students in Each Group for theoretical part only | hours/ group | Prefered Hall No. with Building Code) |
Aircraft Design and Maintenance | 3 | prof.dr.Iyd | 11 | 4 | ||||
Gas dynamic | 4 | prof.dr.Abdullatif | 11 | 4 | ||||
Aircraft Propulsion | 4 | Dr.Ali | 11 | 4 | ||||
Flaw detection and non-destructive methods of control of aircraft and aircraft engine | 3 | Dr.Heersh | 11 | 6 | ||||
Measurements and Instrumentation | 3 | prof.dr.Abdullatif | 11 | 4 | ||||
Aviation Security and Flight safety Management System | 3 | Dr.Heersh | 11 | 5 | ||||
Aircraft stability and Control | 4 | M.Hikmate | 11 | 6 | ||||
Aircraft performance | 3 | prof.dr.Iyd | 11 | 5 | ||||
pneumatics and Hydraulics | 3 | A.prof.dr.Azad | 11 | 4 | ||||
Module Name | Credits | Prerequest Module Name | Lecturer(s) (Starting with the Main Teacher) |
Total no. of Admitable Students | No. of Groups for theoretical part only (if available) | Total no. of Students in Each Group for theoretical part only | hours/ group | Prefered Hall No. with Building Code) |
Module Name | Credits | Prerequest Module Name | Lecturer(s) (Starting with the Main Teacher) |
Total no. of Admitable Students | No. of Groups for theoretical part only (if available) | Total no. of Students in Each Group for theoretical part only | hours/ group | Prefered Hall No. with Building Code) |