Drought is a critical environmental hazard that affects water resources, agriculture, and ecosystems, leading to significant socio-economic and environmental consequences. Effective drought risk assessment and mitigation require advanced tools and methodologies to monitor and predict drought conditions accurately. Geomatics techniques, including Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing, provide powerful solutions for assessing drought risk by integrating multi-source data such as satellite imagery, hydrological models, and climate variables. These techniques enable the spatial analysis of drought-prone areas, the identification of vulnerable regions, and the development of early warning systems. Furthermore, sustainable drought mitigation strategies, such as improved water resource management, land-use planning, and community-based adaptation measures, can be effectively implemented using geomatics-based decision support systems. By leveraging high-resolution satellite data and predictive modeling, researchers and policymakers can enhance resilience to drought impacts, ensuring long-term water security and environmental sustainability.
by M.Hasan Mohammed