Brownfield land & Urban infill

Brownfield is previously-developed land that has been Prepared by : abandoned or underutilized, and which may carry pollution, or a risk of pollution, from industrial use.

The main difference in definitions of whether a piece of land is considered a brownfield or not depends on the presence or absence of pollution. So one of the treatments of urban Brownfield lands by using urban renewal policies (infill) 

Urban infill is defined as new development that is sited on vacant or undeveloped land within an existing community, and that is enclosed by other types of development. The term “urban infill” itself implies that existing land is mostly built-out and what is being built is in effect “filling in” the gaps. The term most commonly refers to building single-family homes in existing neighborhoods but may also be used to describe new development in commercial, office or mixed-use areas.

Presented by lecturer/Ms. Shna Asaad Muhammed