The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines indoor air quality (IAQ) as “the air quality within and around buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants”. The IAQ of the office environment is correlated highly with the health, comfort and productivity of its occupants.
Health and comfort considerations in the design of a space can lead to an acceptable indoor air quality in which “a substantial majority of occupants express no dissatisfaction and that is not likely to contain contaminants leading to exposures that pose a significant health risk”.
The primary cause of indoor air quality problems are indoor pollutants that emit gases or particles into the air. Inappropriate ventilation design can lead to high pollutant concentrations by not bringing in enough fresh outdoor air to remove or dilute the pollutants emitted from indoor sources. In addition, high humidity and temperature, exceeding acceptable thresholds, can also raise concentrations of some indoor pollutants.
Presented by lecturer/Dr.Hardi K.Abdullah